You MUST first listen to this song and read the lyrics before you proceed any further!
You could say that this song was our theme song for Bryan and mine's mini vacation! He previously took off 11 days of work to take his vacation and had planned to come down and see me, then we'd made plans from there to go down and see my family and then go down to San Antonio to see Jacque and Jason. However, our plans unexpectedly were changed and out of our control. That's pretty much how the whole week turned out!
*I must stop and insert here that after seeing Jacque and Jason's super cool GPS system, we (aka Bryan) decided to buy one of our own. The GPS was supposed to be shipped to my house that Friday before we left on our trip. Bryan even paid extra money for the shipping to make sure it got here.
Bryan got to my house on Thursday night and then on Friday we waited for the GPS. Meanwhile we'd been tracking it online and it said that it was in Mesquite. Time kept passing and passing and still no GPS. Long story we got on the phone with the people, tracked it down, and were told that it had been rescheduled for MONDAY! We informed the people that we needed it NOW because we were going out of town, but the stupid guy said that it was in a trailer and they couldn't get to it or unload it until Monday. To say that we weren't happy was putting it lightly! We then had to decided where we were going to re-route it to, so we decided to send it to Shreveport.
We ended up leaving Friday night and going to my parent's house in Lorena. We hung out with my family and cousins and I got to get a new tire! Whoo hoo..NOT! We left to go to Shreveport on Sunday and stayed from Sunday to Tuesday evening. We got to see (for me meet) Bryan's oldest brother Jason, and his wife Whitney, who were in from Germany. It was really good to meet them! We played Mexican train, ate cake, and hung out at the pool. We also went and ate at Joe's Crabshack and went and saw the Dark Night. It was AWESOME!
Tuesday the plan was that we would get the GPS when it arrived and head back to Lorena to spend the night. It would have been 7 hours to drive from Shreveport to San Antonio, so we nipped that idea in the bud and decided to drive half way and then stop in Lorena. We again had been tracking our GPS system and it said online that it had already arrived in Shreveport. We thought/hoped it was going to arrive sometime before noon. Oh, wishful thinking. Long story short, our GPS didn't arrive at his house until 6 o'clock that evening! Bryan (especially) and I were NOT happy campers! We had previously tried everything to even get the package, but it was a no can do. The bad thing was that the UPS guy had actually driven by Bryan's house around 3:30 that afternoon and was in the neighborhood, but didn't get to us until 6! Talk about a horribly, frustrating day! Oh well, the most important thing is that we got our GPS! Whooo hoo! Oh, by the way her name is Lucy and she's fabulous! ;0)
Moving on, (by the way did I mention that this post will be terribly long?! ;0) We got to Lorena that night, spent the night, woke up Wednesday morning, then left to go to San Antonio. We had a rather uneventful drive (thank God!) and got to J and J's that afternoon. It was so good to finally get there! It felt like we'd been trying to get there forever! :0) We visited with the family and everyone got to meet Bryan. That night Jacque and I helped Jilly made chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes and sweet carrots. It was yummy! Then the 4 of us went to Sequin and went to HASTINGS!! Man, I've missed that store! Bryan was such a sweetheart and let me buy a ton of bridal magazines and then we left and went to go see the Dark Knight. Yes, this was the second time that Bryan and I had seen the movie, but yes, it was THAT good! ;0)
Thursday was the day that we'd all planned to go to Sea World...the thing we'd all been looking forward to the most. I'd never been and was really excited! So do you think we got to go, judging from our week? Heck no! Thursday was when the hurricane came in, so we got rained out all day. Oh, and did I mention that we had a tornado warning? Man, it's true when they say when it rains it pours...and makes tornados! So we ended up just hanging out at the house until the rain stopped. Thank goodness it did, enough for us to venture out of the house and head into San Antonio. We drove in and went down by the Riverwalk, checked out the mall, put on some coon skin hats, watched an IMAX movie over mummies, and ate at a Mexican restaurant for dinner. We had a lot of fun! On the drive back we all jammed out to the new Sugarland c.d I got! ;0) When we got back to the house, we all changed into our jammies and played the game Phase 10 until about 2:00 in the morning! I don't think we ever laughed that much in our lives! Good memories were made! :0)
Friday morning we hung around the house and just visited with the family. Jilly made us yummy waffles that were sooooo good! We later said our thank you's and then headed for home. Bryan and I ended up stopping at IKEA on the way home. Um, I just want to know why nobody ever told me about this fabulous store (well except for Jacque and Jason)?? It was so amazing! We didn't get a lot of stuff, just because it was all so, well, overwhelming, but make no mistake-we will definitely be back! We made it home, sweet, home, on Friday night!
Saturday morning, we woke up bright and early and drove to Six Flags. We had an interesting time of course, sweated more than one person should, and certainly drank/got more refills than one person should! We stayed for about 6 hours and got to ride all the rides we wanted to, so we were happy! After Six Flags, we cooled off and I took Bryan to Mardel's. He'd never been there, so I wanted to take him. Turns out it's his new favorite store (which I knew it would be ;0)! We had lots of fun there. After Mardel's we went to dinner at Texas Roadhouse, and then this is where we had our great (not) movie idea, incerpt Step Brothers movie here!
Sunday we relaxed, did some odd jobs around my house, went and did some errands, went up to my school, and watched Music and Lyrics. Overall, it was a nice relaxing Sunday. On Monday, Bryan drove home and I had to go to a workshop. That part sucked...but at least the rest of our weekend was good!
Ok, folks, there you have it! The awaited post! Now, the lesson learned several times over during our mini vacation: Sometimes things go the exact opposite way that you planned them, and there's nothing you can do about it, no matter how hard you try! You have two choices of how you react---laugh or cry! We did a bit of both that week!
Never the less, as Jennifer Nettles says :" Life don't go quite like you planned it, We try so hard to understand it, The irrefutable, indisputable fact is, it happens!"
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
this just ruined my day
I just registered online for my fall classes for grad school.
I looked and saw that my first grad class starts on August 25th.
My first day of teaching public school is August 25th.
This sucks butt.
I looked and saw that my first grad class starts on August 25th.
My first day of teaching public school is August 25th.
This sucks butt.
worst movie night EVER!
Well, I have tons to update, but that's going to have to wait. I HAD to get on here and post about what happened on Saturday night.
Bryan and I decided to go to the movies because I had a gift card one of my students had given me and I hadn't used it yet. We went and checked what was showing, and saw that Step Brothers was playing. We both had seen previews and thought it looked funny so we decided to see that movie. I was a little hesitant because I saw that it was rated R and didn't expect that/know why it was. Bryan said that it was probably for the language, and even though I was still not sure, we decided to go anyways.
We went to dinner at Texas Roadhouse (yum!) and then went to the movie. Step Brothers started and thus began the most horrible, foul, beginning of a movie that I have EVER SEEN! The "F" word was used continuously and other foul language. Not only was the language repeatedly horrible, a specific scene was shown that left me flabbergasted. Literally, my mouth dropped open and I covered my eyes because it was so vile. Bryan and I looked at each other and he said, "Ready to go now?". I said yes, and we left. Yep, got up and walked out of that movie. Bryan kept apologizing and said that if he knew that it was going to be that bad he never would have even THOUGHT about taking me to it. I assured him that it wasn't his fault.
We were bummed out that I spent my gift card and didn't even get to see a movie, so we went searching for another one and the only one that had a time available was Mama Mia. Yeah, I only tortured Bryan for about 10 minutes of that before we got up and walked out of that movie! Bryan said that we could have stayed, but honestly I didn't want to and just wasn't up to it. Step Brothers completely ruined our movie night! :0(
On the way home, Bryan and I talked about the whole rated R thing, and we said we should have looked before hand to see WHY it was rated R. Some movies that we've seen and liked have been rated R, but it's because of violence or things like that. I guess it all depends on what the rating is. That's why when I got home, I looked up Step Brothers ratings and found this:
MPAA RATING:(R ), for crude and sexual content, and pervasive language
Oh, if we had only known.
Some may not agree with this post, but I guess every one is entitled to their own opinion and what they watch. I personally do not believe that ANYONE should go see this movie! I'm warning might be just as scarred as I am now. Ok folks, you've all been warned!
Bryan and I decided to go to the movies because I had a gift card one of my students had given me and I hadn't used it yet. We went and checked what was showing, and saw that Step Brothers was playing. We both had seen previews and thought it looked funny so we decided to see that movie. I was a little hesitant because I saw that it was rated R and didn't expect that/know why it was. Bryan said that it was probably for the language, and even though I was still not sure, we decided to go anyways.
We went to dinner at Texas Roadhouse (yum!) and then went to the movie. Step Brothers started and thus began the most horrible, foul, beginning of a movie that I have EVER SEEN! The "F" word was used continuously and other foul language. Not only was the language repeatedly horrible, a specific scene was shown that left me flabbergasted. Literally, my mouth dropped open and I covered my eyes because it was so vile. Bryan and I looked at each other and he said, "Ready to go now?". I said yes, and we left. Yep, got up and walked out of that movie. Bryan kept apologizing and said that if he knew that it was going to be that bad he never would have even THOUGHT about taking me to it. I assured him that it wasn't his fault.
We were bummed out that I spent my gift card and didn't even get to see a movie, so we went searching for another one and the only one that had a time available was Mama Mia. Yeah, I only tortured Bryan for about 10 minutes of that before we got up and walked out of that movie! Bryan said that we could have stayed, but honestly I didn't want to and just wasn't up to it. Step Brothers completely ruined our movie night! :0(
On the way home, Bryan and I talked about the whole rated R thing, and we said we should have looked before hand to see WHY it was rated R. Some movies that we've seen and liked have been rated R, but it's because of violence or things like that. I guess it all depends on what the rating is. That's why when I got home, I looked up Step Brothers ratings and found this:
MPAA RATING:(R ), for crude and sexual content, and pervasive language
Oh, if we had only known.
Some may not agree with this post, but I guess every one is entitled to their own opinion and what they watch. I personally do not believe that ANYONE should go see this movie! I'm warning might be just as scarred as I am now. Ok folks, you've all been warned!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
random tidbits of information
I haven't done a bulleted post in a while, so here's one for today!
- I've started making a scrapbook of me and Bryan so I've been obsessed with that lately! I have never scrapbooked before, so I'm new at this! I got my scrapbook, all the pages and stickers, and am trying to scrounge up all the pictures I want to use. I'm totally "winging" this scrapbook, so I hope it turns out good. I know some of you scrapbook, so feel free to offer any ideas/advice if you have it!
- This past Saturday Bryan and I celebrated our 4 month anniversary! Some of you are probably like "yeah, that's nothing" but to me, I can't believe the time has flow by so fast! I know before we know it we'll be celebrating 6 months, then 1 year. :0) To celebrate our anniversary, we went shopping (which was REALLY fun! ;0) then went and saw "Get Smart" and had dinner at Gloria's at the Harbor. It was so pretty! We had such a great day! Ironically, this was the first anniversary that we had spent together! We've always seen each other close to the actual date, but never been together ON it! We always joke that we're going to ruin it if we actually spend our anniversary together. Haha..oh well, I think we'll be ok!
- There are babies EVERYWHERE! Lots of people are fixing to have a baby, or just found our that they are expecting! I can't wait for baby K. Holik to get here and I'm so excited for Brittney and Stacey! Congrats girls!
- My baby is coming back again tonight, but this time for over a whole WEEK! I can't tell you how happy we both are for this! On Friday we're planning on going down to Lorena to spend a couple days with my family. After that, we're driving down to San Antonio with Jacque and Jason to spend some time with her family, so they can meet Bryan! They're like my second family, so in some ways, this is another "meet the family!' haha. While we're there we're going to go to Sea World and do some other fun stuff in SA. I can't wait! After that, Bryan and I are going to drive back to Rockwall and go to Six Flags, then just spend some time relaxing and enjoying the rest of our summer!
- I can't believe the summer has flown by so fast..pretty soon I'm going to have to start working on stuff for school and start going up there...blah! Sorry, I'm not in my "excited to go back to school mood" yet. I'm still in the "I want to enjoy summer with my boyfriend time!"
- Ok, I think that's it for now. Keep reading below for another new post!
Take me out to the ballgame!
Well, I've decided to update my blog because my boyfriend keeps complaining that I haven't posted in a while ;0) Things have been going crazy around here lately, but I'll try and update as much as possible! This past weekend Bryan drove in and we went to the Ranger's game this past Friday night (evidently along with every other person I know! Seriously, EVERYONE went to the games this past weekend!) with our good friends Jacque and Jason! We had so much fun getting to use Stella (their new GPS system which is SWEET!). We loved Stella so much that Bryan got one for us to use! Ours should be here tomorrow! We can't wait!
Ok back to the post! The four of started our day by driving to Terrell and going to Cole Mountain Steakhouse for some good, yummy BBQ! After lunch, we visited the local Ham's Orchard and got some fresh, yummy, peach/strawberry ice cream and some fresh FUDGE! Yes, I do now have Bryan hooked on the peanut butter-chocolate (my fav) fudge! ;0) Hehe. Anyways so after that we went back to the house and got ready for the game.
We went Friday night because it was free hat night! Yeah, we're (me and Jacque especially) are always up for anything FREE so we were even more excited! Along with the hats being free, for all of us teachers, the tickets were free! For all you teacher's out there, any teacher can go to any Ranger's game in June and July, (with the exception of Saturday games) show your badge, and get one free ticket! We asked for the tickets near the 3rd base line, and got ones really close! Just a little piece of info for those interested! It turned out to be a really good game and the Rangers won! Whoo hoo! We laughed all night and made some really great memories! ;0) Random pics of the night are posted below! If you want to see them all, just check them out on Facebook!
Here are some random car pictures Bryan and I took!
This one is his favorite for some odd reason?? You're welcome baby. :0)
Ok back to the post! The four of started our day by driving to Terrell and going to Cole Mountain Steakhouse for some good, yummy BBQ! After lunch, we visited the local Ham's Orchard and got some fresh, yummy, peach/strawberry ice cream and some fresh FUDGE! Yes, I do now have Bryan hooked on the peanut butter-chocolate (my fav) fudge! ;0) Hehe. Anyways so after that we went back to the house and got ready for the game.
We went Friday night because it was free hat night! Yeah, we're (me and Jacque especially) are always up for anything FREE so we were even more excited! Along with the hats being free, for all of us teachers, the tickets were free! For all you teacher's out there, any teacher can go to any Ranger's game in June and July, (with the exception of Saturday games) show your badge, and get one free ticket! We asked for the tickets near the 3rd base line, and got ones really close! Just a little piece of info for those interested! It turned out to be a really good game and the Rangers won! Whoo hoo! We laughed all night and made some really great memories! ;0) Random pics of the night are posted below! If you want to see them all, just check them out on Facebook!
Here are some random car pictures Bryan and I took!

Us at the game in our super awesome seats!
Jacque and Jason in our free cool hats!
Me and Jacque acting all gangsta..
another pic of the field
play ball!
This is probably one of the best moments of the night. Jacque told us this story of a time when she thought you could really hear the ocean from listening to a shell..blah blah..and now here she is recreating that moment..trying to hear the ocean in her cup!
Us driving back..our mean faces! Grrrr..
Ok, now not mean anymore! ;0)
And that's the end folks!
P.S. Cass, I only put up one kissing picture..are you HAPPY?! ;0)
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Happy one month belated blog birthday to me!
Yes, so I celebrated my one year blog anniversary a month ago on June 9th, but actually forgot about it until recently, and then just got around to writing about it today, which is ironically July 9th! I just thought that it was funny..haha.
Anyways, in memory, I think that you should all go back and read my very first ever post, which I'm betting most of you have never read. I think that it would be cool if everyone went back and read everyone's posts from the very first one. I know that reading someone who writes a lot like Cassandra might take a while ;0) but I think it would be neat! I think all the time, "oh I really liked that post, I wish people would read it!" So that's my challenge to you friend, when you have time, choose a friend and go back to their posts and began reading about their life when they first entered the blog world!
Well, even though it's a little late, happy belated one year anniversary to Chelsey's Chatter, 329 posts later!
Anyways, in memory, I think that you should all go back and read my very first ever post, which I'm betting most of you have never read. I think that it would be cool if everyone went back and read everyone's posts from the very first one. I know that reading someone who writes a lot like Cassandra might take a while ;0) but I think it would be neat! I think all the time, "oh I really liked that post, I wish people would read it!" So that's my challenge to you friend, when you have time, choose a friend and go back to their posts and began reading about their life when they first entered the blog world!
Well, even though it's a little late, happy belated one year anniversary to Chelsey's Chatter, 329 posts later!
Check her out!
I'd like to send out a huge welcome to my bestie who just joined the blog world! Her name is Mrs. Kyrbie Alexis White and we've been best friends ever since our freshman year of high school. We've definitely had some great times and made some great memories! I don't know what I'd do without her! Make sure you check out her new blog and add her to your list! Oh and don't be afraid to harass her if she's not updating! ya Kyrb on the side of the road! ;0)
P.S. I had to use this color for my font for old time's sake!
P.S. I had to use this color for my font for old time's sake!
John's wedding
Two weekends ago, Bryan and I attended one of his high school friend's wedding. It was in Baton Rouge and we had a great time! John and Meredith's wedding was at St. Mark's Cathedral (I think) and the reception was at the old Governor's mansion. The mansion was so beautiful! Thank goodness the weather cooperated and the heat/humidity wasn't overwhelming. I got to meet a lot of Bryan's friends from high school and some good family friends. Everyone was so nice! It was a great evening that I got to spend with my love! :0) A few pictures are below. We took some at the mansion and then at the capital.
waiting in line at the reception
afterwards..this is my fav!
I also love this one! He's so handsome...
at the capital...nice background huh? One day that will be the Eiffel Tower ;0)
Ah..I love his kisses! :0) Ok, well I just love him period! *sigh*

Yes, that's what you get when you put Bryan together with my two daredevil, we'll do anything, brothers, Chase and Chandler. This past weekend when some of my family came up, we took them up to play in the gym. Bryan of course was more than excited to show them some cool tricks that people who aren't gymnasts probably should not do!
I will however admit that it was my idea to get out the rings in the first place. However, I'm sure that even if I hadn't, Bryan still would have got them down and still shown the boys these dangerous tricks anyways!
This first picture that you're looking at here is of my wonderful boyfriend showing the boys how to do dangerous trick #1. He began swinging on the rings over by Chandler(where the yellow mat is on the floor to the left) and proceeded to swing high enough to swing over the "cheese" as he calls it or the red mat that is standing, to release and fall onto the mats behind on the ground. I don't have another picture that shows it, but he did actually swing high enough to go over and land on the mats. Dear lord...
And as you can see, now it's Chandler's turn.. (he was also successful!)
And we definitely can't leave Chase out! Don't worry, my sister Chalen did NOT get a turn! :0)
And here is a picture of Chase performing dangerous trick #2 that Bryan taught them how to too. Geez, Louise....
Lastly, here is a picture of the boys with their fierce looking tattoos that they got at the gym (fake of course) :0).
The boys all enjoyed a time of flipping on the trampolines, and swinging on the bars. They all got a nice workout by the end of the afternoon and were all nice and sweaty. Boys..gotta love them! ;0)I took more videos of them doing their stunts than pictures, but they're all on Bryan's camera. When he gets here I'll see if I can upload them so you all can see. They're pretty cool! I am happy to report that no injuries were sustained (at the gym at least) while performing these acts! Man, I love my boys, crazy as they are!
I will however admit that it was my idea to get out the rings in the first place. However, I'm sure that even if I hadn't, Bryan still would have got them down and still shown the boys these dangerous tricks anyways!
This first picture that you're looking at here is of my wonderful boyfriend showing the boys how to do dangerous trick #1. He began swinging on the rings over by Chandler(where the yellow mat is on the floor to the left) and proceeded to swing high enough to swing over the "cheese" as he calls it or the red mat that is standing, to release and fall onto the mats behind on the ground. I don't have another picture that shows it, but he did actually swing high enough to go over and land on the mats. Dear lord...

thanks Emily :0)
This is my wordle! If you want to wordle, go here! Baby, look and see who's name comes up the most! ;0) Love you!

Thursday, July 3, 2008
he's a keeper!
Bryan was so sweet to me today! He decided that I needed a day of pampering, so he let me sleep in, then came home and took me out to lunch. After lunch we went to Blockbuster (they're having a 50% off sale of all previously viewed movies!) and he got me a couple of movies for my classroom! After Blockbuster, he dropped me off to get my nails done and a pedicure while he went and worked out. Isn't he the best? Yes, I know he is. That's why I love him so much! He is always thinking of me and is always so generous. I think I'll keep him around! ;0)
On another note, I'm super excited about this weekend! My parents and some of my siblings are coming to visit the Moss family in Shreveport for the 4th of July!! We're going to hang out at the pool and grill out burgers, enjoy some fireworks, play at the gym, and Bryan's going to bbq out. I know we're going to have a blast and I can't wait! I want to wish everyone an early safe and happy 4th of July!
On another note, I'm super excited about this weekend! My parents and some of my siblings are coming to visit the Moss family in Shreveport for the 4th of July!! We're going to hang out at the pool and grill out burgers, enjoy some fireworks, play at the gym, and Bryan's going to bbq out. I know we're going to have a blast and I can't wait! I want to wish everyone an early safe and happy 4th of July!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Rascal Flatts and Taylor Swift!
I'm already mad at this post and I haven't even written it! I've spent a VERY long time trying to upload this super awesome video I had of the Rascal Flatts concert, but it was taking like an hour (not kidding) to upload, and still didn't upload. STUPID BLOGGER! Oh well, pictures will have to do! :0)
The concert overall was great! We had a lot of fun once we actually got there and the concert got started. Our afternoon was actually, interesting you could say! Bryan and I had a small tiff and we ended up having to park really far away and walk a long way and were almost kinda late...etc, etc.! It's kinda funny now that we look back at that afternoon and we laugh about it :0) It was such a fun concert though...Taylor Swift was really good and she has a funny personality along with a great voice! Rascal Flatts was AWESOME! Definitely my favorite of the evening! After the concert, we walked probably 1-2 miles back to where we parked and then ended the night with dinner at IHOP. Yummy! Overall, it was a great night, we made super memories, and would do it all again any time! And now, for the pictures!
the morning before the concert when Bryan stole the camera and started taking random pictures when I was on the phone with Jacque
at the concert, trying to take a picture ourselves (we've discovered this doesn't often work because we both have short arms!)
a much better one once we asked a random guy to take it for us!
The concert overall was great! We had a lot of fun once we actually got there and the concert got started. Our afternoon was actually, interesting you could say! Bryan and I had a small tiff and we ended up having to park really far away and walk a long way and were almost kinda late...etc, etc.! It's kinda funny now that we look back at that afternoon and we laugh about it :0) It was such a fun concert though...Taylor Swift was really good and she has a funny personality along with a great voice! Rascal Flatts was AWESOME! Definitely my favorite of the evening! After the concert, we walked probably 1-2 miles back to where we parked and then ended the night with dinner at IHOP. Yummy! Overall, it was a great night, we made super memories, and would do it all again any time! And now, for the pictures!

different background now!
I'll see if I can try and get the video to work later!
Bryan's birthday
We celebrated Bryan's birthday on June 18th with his family in Shreveport. I gave him my gifts at midnight the night/morning of his birthday: a James Avery ring that he'd been wanting, a pair of Atlanta Braves sleep pants, and a coupon book that I specifically designed for him! I went to work with him that day and had a lot of fun! That night we took pictures and then took him to his favorite restaurant, Outback. After dinner, we came back to the house to have cake and open presents! I think that he had a pretty great birthday! ;0)
the chocolate, chocolate chip, ice cream cake!
the birthday boy fixing to blow out his candles!
trying out his new present (one of those ear things that let him talk on his cell phone hand free)
us before going to dinner

I've been tagged!
I have been tagged by Tyly, so here we go!
1) What I was doing 10 years ago..
3) Snacks I enjoy...
4) Things I would do if I was a billionaire...
5) Five bad habits
6)Places I've lived...
8) Bloggers I'm tagging...
1) What I was doing 10 years ago..
- I can remember this like it was yesterday. My family and I had just moved to Lorena and into our new house. To this day, that was my favorite house that we've ever lived in. I was preparing to go into my freshman year of high school at a public school for the first time in my life. That summer was hard because of the friends and loved ones that I had to leave, but also it was great because it gave us all a new start.
2) 7 things on my to-do list today...
- take a shower
- wash the comforters
- continue watching disc 3 of "Dr. Quinn"
- eat lunch
- finish Bryan's laundry
- go on a walk with Bryan
- update my posts on what's been going on the past couple of weeks!
3) Snacks I enjoy...
- Chex mix
- cookies
- Ritz Cheese Crackers
- Sour straws
- strawberries
- anything chocolate
4) Things I would do if I was a billionaire...
- pay off all mine and my family's debt and then put a ton of money into all of our savings accounts, buy my new Sequoia and Bryan whatever he wants, buy each of my family members a new car, build my dream home, buy Bryan & Mom and Dad their boats and house by the lake, travel to Egypt, Rome, Australia, Scotland, and Hawaii, buy a whole new wardrobe, buy a personal trainer and a hair stylist, put money into all of my future children's college funds, build Bryan a wonderful science lab equipped with everything that he could ever want, buy him the super cool grill that he wants, buy everything I could ever want for my classroom, build my own super fabulous library, donate money into all different organizations that I love, tithe the biggest check that anyone has ever seen and divide it into every church that I've ever been a member of in my entire life.
5) Five bad habits
- I bite my nails
- I don't eat as healthy as I should
- I have a habit of letting everything get really dirty and then clean like crazy
- I get very quiet and normally don't talk at all when I'm mad (Bryan does not like this habit! ;0)
- I can sometimes be a little too sarcastic for my own good
6)Places I've lived...
- Friona, TX
- Brady, TX
- Wall, TX
- Brownfield, TX
- Claude, TX
- Elgin, TX
- Lorena, TX
- San Angelo, TX
- Rockwall, TX
- nanny to 4 little girls
- worked in the little league concession stands during the summer
- worked at a thrift shop
- cashier and server at McAlister's Deli
- worked as a secretary for the Angelo State University Men's Athletic Dept.
- worked at the University Student Bookstore in San Angelo
- student taught at Lamar Elementary (and yes, I consider this a job even though I didn't get paid!)
- barrista at the Hasting's Cafe in San Angelo
- teacher at Springer Elementary in Rockwall, TX
- babysitter in practically every town I've lived/live in
- oldest child of seven kids...that job never ends!
8) Bloggers I'm tagging...
- Shyanne
- Jacque
- Kelly
- Morgan
- Sarah Burch
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