Friday, November 21, 2008
big night!
The game starts at 8:00 tonight at Mansfield Stadium. Come on out and support our boys!
I'll update later to let ya'll know the outcome!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
one more..
Don't forget to change my url to soon! I'll be changing it tomorrow/Saturday!
Have a great day!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Lorena answers bell with playoff victory, 24-14

The boys play again this Friday night at 8:00 p.m in Mansfield against Carthage. We can't WAIT!!!
I'm back!
I'm actually glad to not be private anymore for the reasons listed below:
- I hated signing in.
- I hated that ya'll had to sign in.
- I hated that it didn't show ya'll when I updated.
- I hated knowing that some of you would just forget to check my blog, therefore, missing out on some good posts.
- I hated it that some of you didn't send me your e-mail so I couldn't add you to the list, and you had no way of knowing how to reach me.
- I hated signing in.
- I hated that I felt so scared about people reading what I wrote that I had to go private.
- I hated signing in.
With that said, I am very happy to now not be private anymore! I figure, if it becomes a problem again, I'll just go back to being private!
PLEASE NOTE! Although I'm very happy to not be private anymore, I will be changing my URL address. I just don't like that fact that when you enter my name into a web search, my blog is the first thing that comes up! So, please make note that this will be my new address so you can change it on your blogs.
I figured that I was going to change it when I got married, so I'd just go ahead and change it now! I'll give ya'll a few days until I officially change it!
Well, I guess that's it for now! Now, I expect all of you to leave me lots of comments! ;0)
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
8 Months!

Happy 8 month anniversary baby! I can't believe that we're already here! The past eight months have flown by, and I know the next eight will too. I'm so happy to now be writing this as your fiance'. The day you asked me to be your wife was the best day of my life! I can't wait until June 27th when I will have the next best day of my life, when I become your wife! I can't wait to be Mrs. Bryan Moss! You are everything to me, and the love of my life. I respect, admire, and trust you so much! You truly are my Prince Charming! I love you more than I can ever say! Thank you for taking care of me, cherishing me, and loving me like you do. I love you Bryan Mitchell Moss!
The future Mrs. Bryan Moss :0)
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Lorena knocks off La Vega, 20-13, claims playoff berth

In other news, Bryan and I had another amazing weekend together! We got to go out to dinner with Jacque and Jason on Friday night and catch up. I don't think we've done that much laughing in a long time! On Saturday Bryan and I got to go and babysit some of my friends kids, who are PRECIOUS! We had such a fun day! This morning we went to church, had a yummy lunch at Johnny Corino's, then spent the afternoon walking the trails at Harry Meyer's Park. This was the first time we'd been to the park and we LOVED it! It was so beautiful, and was perfect weather! Bryan left to go back tonight, so that was sad, but overall it was such a great weekend!
Some other things I've forgotten to update ya'll on are:
- this past Friday we had our first successful Kindergarten field trip to the fire station, library, and then ended with a picnic lunch at the park! It was an exhausting day, but we had fun!
- A few weeks ago, Bryan and I had our first pre-marital counseling session with the head counselor at FBC Dallas. It went really well, and we're going to continue our sessions at their church! Bryan also got to see the chapel for the first time, and fell in love with it just as much as I did! He said it was perfect and we both said there's NOTHING we'd change about anything!
This week Bryan and I will celebrate our 8 month anniversary! I honestly can't believe that it's been that long. At some times, it seems like it was just yesterday that we met, and at other times it feels like we've been married forever. I know we both wish we'd been married forever! Haha.
Well, I do believe that is about all for now. If you're still reading all of this, props to you! ;0) Adios..
where I was..
1 day ago: spending an amazing day babysitting with Bryan :0)
1 month ago: I was about to get engaged!
5 years ago: I was in my sophomore year of college, joined my sorority Sigma Phi Lambda where I met some of my best friends, and met godly women who changed my life! I also entered into my first serious relationship, where I had my first official boyfriend.
7 years ago: I was a junior in high school~I spent most of the time with my best friend Kyrbie, having sleepovers, going to football games, and obsessing about boys. I started working at McAlister's Deli!
10 years ago: I lived in Elgin, Tx. At this time, I "thought" I was in love, with a boy named Brian. He was a big part of my life during this time. Funny that the guy that I talked about in the 5 year section, was Brian's best friend. Ironically, I'm marrying a Bryan, and he puts both of them to shame! Love you baby! My family moved to Lorena, TX that year and have been there ever since. I also entered public school for the very first time as a freshman.
I tag: Amanda, Amy, Susan, and Shaunna!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
ideas anyone?
Well, I've been trying to research as much as possible and I'm needing to find some websites that you'd recommend for:
- hairstyles
- wedding dresses
- bridesmaid dresses
Any ideas you have, I'd love to hear them! I loved Tyly's idea of looking at places like Target online for bridesmaid dresses. I really loved the $30 especially! I definitely want to keep them as cheap as possible. I looked at Target online and loved some of the dresses, but I couldn't find them in my color. Oh, yeah, have I mentioned what my color is? Well, it's PINK! I'm not exactly sure what else, or if anything else, but I'm probably going to do a couple of different shades of pink. I don't want it to look like pink threw up everywhere, and I'm definitely not the type of bride where EVERY, SINGLE, THING has to be pink. I just want a nice balance! :0)
Ok people, let me hear your ideas! :0) By the way, only 235 more days to go!!!!