Monday, April 20, 2009

They have finally arrived!!

And by "they" I mean our BRAND NEW HOUSE PICTURES!! Yes, ladies and gents we F-I-N-A-L-L-Y were able to close on our house last Thursday, April 16th! It has been such a long, stressful process getting here (but from what I hear from other homeowners who's isn't?:) but we completely know that this is the house God meant for us to have! :) We're so excited!

You may look at all of the pictures of our brand new house here if you haven't seen them on Facebook already. Sorry I didn't upload any on here...there were just WAY too many!

So our plan now is to repaint the whole inside of our house...yipee! Bryan will move in at the end of May when he gets out of school and comes to Texas, then I'll move in after the wedding!

Whoo hoo! It's all coming together..slowly but surely. Thank you Jesus for being our protector and provider! We are blessed.

1 comment:

JMMSchoenfield said...

WOW! What a Georgeous house!! I am so excited for you both, Congratulations!!!


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