Thursday, April 26, 2012

Hello? Is anyone out there?!

Ok, we're all going to ignore the fact that I have completely sucked at blogging for, oh, the past 9 months, and pretend that it never happened! Sound good to you?! Ok, good!

Seriously though, I have done such a horrible job and writing about basically the past 9 months, and I know there's no way to possibly catch everything up, but I'm going to start fresh and do my best! I know I definitely want to get back into the habit so I can do a better job of recording everything once Abigail gets here!

To help myself out, I've made a list of things I want to blog about so I don't forget!
  1. Pregnancy
  2. Our baby moon to Hot Springs
  3. Abigail's nursery
  4. Lorena baby shower
  5. Bryan's health scare
  6. Maternity Pictures

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Can't wait to see the rest of the posts! I'm especially interested in your Hot Springs baby moon. Eric and I would really like to go somewhere for our 5 year anniversary (+ baby moon), but I'll be 6 months pregnant so we'll need something that is relatively laid back....Oh and I can't wait to see the nursery post, and of course the one that will be coming soon enough about the birth of baby Abigail! :)


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