Sunday, February 14, 2010

Winter Wonderland!

Well, I'll go ahead and join everyone else in posting about all of the SNOW that we got this past weekend! Wasn't that so crazy beautiful?! I couldn't believe it when I woke up on Thursday morning and saw it all. I ran into the bedroom and woke up Bryan (who was in a panic and thought something was wrong..hehe) yelling "Baby, it SNOWED!" We ran to look out our front yard and couldn't believe it! We went to school that morning and it snowed ALL DAY LONG! For most of the day my students and I just stared out my big window in amazement, watching the snow fall all day long. We went out and played in it twice! :) It was a special memory that I'll never forget!

They did end up canceling school on Friday, which was bittersweet. Because they canceled it, we will loose our Monday off of Easter, which I'm not happy about. However, as Bryan said, if we had to loose a day, that was the perfect day to do so! We slept in on Friday, were lazy, and just enjoyed the snow! We took tons of pictures and if you want to see them all, you can look at them on my facebook account. Here's the link.

Another big exciting thing that happened was that Bryan and I got a new camera!! WHOO HOO! It was about time..I've gone without one for several months now! It's been torture..but now back to my new baby. She is a Canon PowerShot SX120IS and we LOVE her. We've been taking pictures like crazy over the past few days and I can't wait to take tons more! I'll leave you with a few pictures I took on my new camera! :)

1 comment:

Kelsey Claire said...

Yea for new cameras! We were also canceled, but I am not sure when we make it up... Hopefully not in June!


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