Friday, November 19, 2010

Prayer Request

Hey guys!

I just wanted to post a prayer request that I would love ya'll to pray about! We found out this morning that Caleb's dad passed away during the night. Caleb is one of Bryan's best friend from college, and was also a groomsman in our wedding. His dad was diagnosed with cancer several months ago and was recently placed into hospice. Bryan received word that he wasn't doing very well last night, and had already planned on going down for the funeral whenever he needed to. Bryan told me all of this this morning. After I got to school, I got a text from him that said that Caleb's dad had passed away at 2:30 this morning.

Bryan will leave early tomorrow morning to go down for the visitation and funeral. Please pray for Bryan as he travels, pray for peace and healing for Caleb and his family, and pray for Bryan as he goes to comfort his best friend during this great loss. Thank you!

(here's a picture of Bryan and Caleb at our wedding in '09)

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