So I went to the Shreveport airport on Thursday night to surprise Bryan and pick him up from the airport. I was waiting for him sitting in the waiting area/lounge, when I noticed that a flight had arrived and people were walking off the flight. I was standing there, looking at all of the people when who do I see but........
I PROMISE I did! At first, I was like no, it couldn't be. It's gotta be a really good look alike or something. But then all the other people in the airport started grabbing their family and friends and talking and pointing at him, so I knew that it REALLY WAS HIM! So, instead of you know reaching into my pocket and grabbing my phone and taking a picture of him, what did I do you ask? Well, I just stood there. Yes, you heard me right, I just stood there, frozen, just watching him walk past me and walk away. Inside, I was telling myself, go get his autograph or at least get your phone out and take a picture..but noooooo like an idiot I just stood there. I mean I didn't even move my hand or arm or body or anything. Sadly, the only thing that moved was my head, as I watched him walk away in his cute yellow t-shirt, khaki shorts, and flip flops. STUPID, STUPID, STUPID! Oh well, at least I got to see a famous celebrity! :0)
You have a cute blog, and thanks for the hilarious account of seeing Nick Lachey!
Wow!! Lucky you;)
his girlfriend vanessa minillo is there 'shrevoport, shooting a movie
YAY! haha... that is so awesome! Great story!
that's funny. and probably what i would have done too. i guess that's what they mean by the term 'star struck'. cute! :)
Was he as hot in person as he is on TV?
He is definitely drool worthy.
I'm with Cass... was he as hot in person???
You watch it, too!? Yay! I always love to find someone who watches that dumb show...there aren't too many of us, you know. Or, at least, very many of us that will admit to it. ;)
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