Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Some things that I DO like!

  1. the fact that tomorrow I don't have to go to school because it's Fair Day!
  2. I just went to Blockbuster and rented the whole second season of Grey's Anatomy!
  3. I have a whole week to watch them!
  4. knowing that I have leftover yummy scalloped potatoes in my fridge that I'm having again for dinner..yes, they are that good
  5. I get to sleep in tomorrow morning
  6. Jilly is coming this weekend
  7. this is only a four day week
  8. I'm doing TPRI testing next week, so I get to have a sub all day!
  9. firemen are coming to my school on Friday and I'm sure that they'll all be single and hot..right??!!
  10. I got to feel baby Brody kick for the very first time today! PRECIOUS!

Ok..now I'm off to eat my dinner and start my Grey's catch up marathon!

1 comment:

cls said...

Sounds like a great night! Scalloped potatoes and Grey's Anatomy! Yummm!


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