Thursday, January 31, 2008

Baby's got her blue jeans (and boots) on...

Tonight I had SO much fun! It all started this afternoon at school. I overheard 2 of my co-workers, Marlane and Cindy, talking, and I heard them say something about country dancing. Well we all know how much I love to dance, and especially country dance, so I entered into their conversation. They told us that they go to a dance hall called Southern Junction (which is conveniently RIGHT down the road from me) and take free country dance lessons each Thursday. I told them that it sounded like a lot of fun, so they told me that I should come with them! I said well I'd love to, but I don't have a partner, and they said that it didn't matter, that they would pair you up with someone. I was thinking, um..thanks, but no thanks!

Anyways, Cindy suddenly said "Wait, are you married?" and I said, "No, I'm not." then she said, "Ok I don't want to sound like I'm setting you up or anything, but my husband has a son that's your age and he goes dancing with us sometimes and he doesn't have a partner. Would you like to go and be his partner? Not like a date or anything, but just dancing and having fun." So then I said that I'd love to! She wrote down my cell number and then went off to call Jake (that's the son's name). Cindy came back a little while later, and said, "It was so funny! I called Jake and even before I said anything, he told me that he had called his dad and told him that he wanted to go out dancing with us tonight! I told him about you and so he said that he'd meet us tonight. " So everything was set.

We ended up meeting at Southern Junction and went in, found a table and got drinks (as in water and Dr. Pepper for me ;0) then started off with the lessons. It was SO cute because our dance instructors were this really cute older couple. Most of the people there were older..parents and grandparents...but let me tell you..those old people can dance! Haha..

It was really fun tonight with Jake. He was really nice and just FUN! It wasn't awkward or anything..we laughed and joked around and danced. It didn't feel like we were out on a date or being set was just 2 people needing partners, learning how to dance, and having fun! Seriously, I don't remember the last time I had this much fun.

Needless to say, I'm definitely going to be going back on Thursday nights to dance my little heart away! ;0)


cls said...

Oh Chelsey, that's wonderful! How fun!! Is Jake hot? Lol.

Either way, I am SO GLAD you got to have fun tonight! I wish we had some place like that! I'm jealous!

Shaunna said...

Sounds like fun!

The Holik's said...

Are you and jacque coming down for the Alumni Luncheon? Feb. 9 I think. Just curious.

Kelly Sellers said...

Awww, I love country dancing too! Chad really wants to take lessons (so i don't yell at him when teaching, lol, jk) when he gets back. It's so fun! Keep up the fun! :)

Tyly said...

Ha! I was so excited about my shoes that I totally forgot to mention that I did get the plumbing fixed! :o)

It sounds like you had a great time!!! I would love to learn how to country dance!

Something's Gotta Give said...

That sounds like so much fun!! I want to know if Jake is cute too. (o:

~meredith~ said...

Sounds like fun!

~meredith~ said...

Well, if it makes you feel any better, I am currently dealing with the guilt of having it so "good" while other (much more experienced) teachers are giving me the evil eye in the hallway. *sigh*


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