Wednesday, September 26, 2007


post anything about the new season premiere of Grey's Anatomy! Yes, I'm talking to obsessed Grey's Anatomy fan. I know that you won't sleep at all tonight, because you are so excited about tomorrow and counting down the hours until tomorrow night. However, for both of our sakes, if you don't want to ruin mine and Grey's history, then you won't mention any details that will give anything away. You may say, "I loved was so good..blah blah". However, NO DETAILS! I know this will be hard for you, but just give me about 2 more weeks or so, then you may blog about it to your little heart's desire! :0) Got it? GOOD! I knew you'd see it my way :0) Love you too!

(Cass, don't worry..I'm going to post, post, and more post when I have more time tomorrow!)


cls said...

No worries. I will not reveal ANYTHING about Grey's Anatomy tomorrow. In fact, I'm going to have to DVR it because we've got Krav class. If that crap doesn't record, I am going to be MAD!!!

Amanda said...

haha...well good job for watching Grey's! Doesn't it come on tonight?! Yeah, mine better record too! I have grad school!

stollison said...

I found out that I have a bladder infection and that the pain and discomfort was apparently because I ovulated and when the egg passed through, it burst a cyst I had in/on my ovary. Combination of a few things I guess....


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